Saturday, August 14, 2010

My wife Jeanette has been on the Raw Food Diet since June 1, 2010 and as of today she has lost 28 pounds. She says that eating raw has changed her life. Her back is now pain free and she has more energy. In fact, she even gave up drinking coffee and all other caffeinated drinks.

There are so many exciting recipes she found that it is almost impossible to get bored with food choices. Here is a Raw Food Recipe video clip for Zucchini Pastawith Marinara Sauce that I am sure you will enjoy by Raw food author and chef Jennifer Cornbleet.


Cruiselife & Co said...

What a fantastic idea Chris. I'm still trying to lose weight, so I will seriously try this recipe.

Chris Stonecipher said...

Thanks Lauren,
Jeanette has found that this is something she can stick with. In fact just a small deviation back to old habits makes her not feel well. The Raw Food Recipes available online are delicious too.

jo oliver said...

Go J, Go J, Go J! 28 lbs!!! That is fantastic.

Admin said...

I have one or two extra pounds where the six pack once was.... may give this a try!

thestickman said...


Chris Stonecipher said...

Jo, Jeanette says thanks for the encouragement. She really appreciates it.

Chris Stonecipher said...

You won't be disappointed. Even I am starting to enjoy some of the benefits from raw foods.

Chris Stonecipher said...

I too have a few extra pounds and can find my six pack. I think I left it in the Marine Corp 15 years ago. With some exercise and eating raw food, I might find it again some day.

Chris Stonecipher said...

I have noticed that with the right equipment, the food is quick and simple to make.

Cajun Chef Ryan said...

Chris and Jeanette, while I have not read up on the Raw Food Diet, it does sound similar to the Eat to Live diet, which we did for six weeks and lost about 20 pounds each. I will have to check out more details on the Raw diet!

Bon appetit!

Anonymous said...

Nice share..Thanks for sharing . like it :)

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